
IQRAH Sırrul Esrar-1548

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IQRAH Sırrul Esrar-1548



  • Translator: Mehmet Eren
  • Release Date 2006-02-20
  • ISBN
  • 9789756138106
  • Printing Number Printing
  • Language TURKISH
  • Number Of pages 112
  • Skin Type Carton Cover
  • Paper Grade Book Paper
  • Size 15x22.5 cm

The Secret of glazes

Famous jelaluddin Abdulkâdir Geylânî (471-561/1079-1166) the relativeness andSırru'l esrârWhich is famous by the name of this book, hâlid with Muhammad Muhammad Ğassân tahkik together by having been neşredilmiştir(Dâ ru's-Senâbil, Dımaşk 1415/1994, 3. bs.). Two muhakkik, "Geylânî Library" series-also, müellifin whole works as tahkikli neşredeceklerini express have, (s. 23, dn. 2). This series is the first book, according to the translation we offerSırru'l-esrâ r'dır.

Sırru'l-esrâr,EarlierÖtelerden NewsWith altbaşlığı Abdulkâdir Akçiçek ta-aries Türkçe'ye has been translated. By Akçiçek, this tercümede received mainly writing or pre-printed copies not provided information on. His is our translated ettiğimiz tahkikli nüshadan is different moment-laşılıyor. In some places they added, onwards and eksiklerin bulunduğu seen. We in translation above zikrettiğimiz tahkikli neşri esas have received. So, text, Akçiçek'in translated that metinle mukayesesini did not do.

Sırru'l-Esrâ r''SGeylâniYe nispetinin controversial is understood. ZiraBeyânü Esrâ ri't-Tâlibîn fı't-SufismNamed as published, Muhammad b. Yûsuf hand-Gûrânîye defiance.(Keşfüz-ZünûnI, 260, 940). However, the book different writing viewing muhakkikler, this name bearing nüshanın müellifinin Guraru not, geylânî concluded that. Also they are, geylânî's sons-descendents he founded and place of her books which Kâdiriyye Kütüpha-nesi'ndeki writing prepared for Complete Index of bilgilerden movement, sirru'l-Es-râ r'ın Geylânî 'ye belong is kanaatini hold it. Hatta this library, Geylânî's own line, a writing nüshanın that, but to express to him. Finally, this artifact another müellife âidiyetinin pinpoint undesignated, also have according to them it Geylânî 'ye nispetini strengthening.


Muhakkiklerin, book Geylânî 'ye nispetini, writing nüshalar and library kataloglanndaki based on information savunduklan seen. Its someone else the âidiyetinin undesignated being also their views; Supports düşünmektedirler. These justifications, work for certain Geylânî 'ye belong is ispata enough so that it does not. Because in some places, from Geylânî lived after âlimlerin quotations from the works of the observed.

Book eight sources quote made. Three places Tefsî ru'l-Mecma' (s. 62, 76, 99), two places Mirsâd (s. 54, 60), one each at meat-Tefsî ru'l-kebfr (s. 63), Büstanü'ş-şerî '(s. 68), Tefsî 'l-Buhân{s. 93), Tefsî ru'l-Kâdî(s. 107), Mazhâr (s. 133) and from Gazâlî (s. 135). Of these, meat-Tefsîru '-kebîr Fahreddîn er-Râzî (d. 606/1209) with Kâdî Beyzâvî (d. 685/1286), passed away tarihlerinden be understood, Geylânî lived in popularity.

Araştırabildiğimiz kadanyla; Mirsâd name anılan book, probably Necmüddî n-i Dâ ye'nin (d. 654/1256) leech its Mirsâ du'I-'ıb aad mine'l-mebde' ile'I-me' aad's work of Persian. O, this manual, h. 620 of Rajab early Sivas'ta hi-fi. {Keşfü'z-zunûn II, 1655; Hediyyetü'l-ânfîn I, 461) you bahsedilen Mirsâd this while, Geylânî 's it being impossible. Zira yazılmasından full 59 years ago has passed away.

The book mentioned is by the name of Mazhar müellifi about two verisimilitude. THAT, or Ahmed b. lshâk hand-Kaysarî 's Mazharu'l-âsâr fî 'ılmi'l-esrâr concise from a book. Onwards and Feridüddî n-i Attâ r'a (d. 618/1221) spiting the but actually belong to her non-again Persian Mazharu'l-acâib's writen in a private collection. (Keşfü'z-zunûn II, 1722; M. Nazif Şahinoğlu, "Attâr, Ferîdüddîn", DIA IV, 98)


Tefsî ru'l-Mecma'm, first at şiî pre-Tabersî 's (d. 548/1153) Mecma'u'l-beyân named tefsiri is coming to mind also, alıntılann from this book is not seen. Muhammad b. Haşan hand-Hüseynî 's (d. 776/1374) Mecma'u'l-ahbâb (ahbâr) has a published work. (Keşfü'z-zunûn II, 1596, 1836) Sa'düdd în hand-Haydarâbâdînin (882/1477) also has Mecma'u's-sülûk's book. (îzâ hu'l-meknûn II, 434) However, Tefsî ru'l-mecma' by the name of the book mentioned is, of them to have someone about fikrimiz.

Büstâ nü'ş-şen'aMentioned by name book, Abraham b. Ebû Ali al-Fârisî 'sBüstâ- nü'l-ma 'rife and minhâ cü'l-hakîka ve'ş-şen'aIs Persian book.(Keştî i'z- zunûnI, 244) Also Muhammad b. Abdülazî z'in (757/1356)Büstâ nü'l-ârifinNamed has a book.(Îzâ hu'l-meknûnI, 181)

Tefsî ru'l-BuhâriAbout the track from no ipucuna could not achieve. Made from Gazâlî transport is, probably on the subject, itsHand-Madnûn binFrom the book-from okunarak, hatırda kalan and as aktarımıdır.

The book sources üzerine we do this small research us the conclusion the eye-türmüştür: We HaveSımı 'l-EsrârProbably hicrî seventh century belong to next years compiling a work in progress. This book compiled, significantly, some Persian-su kaynaklann or original or Arabic tercümelerinden benefited.

In the book alıntıların, her afterwards can be concerned at the prospect of being included. However, after finishing translate to have composed of contentment, der-leme is a trace of this book is to. Derleyenin onwards and müellifinin who research, geylânî's works and üslûbunu with good knowledge of Sufism uzmanlannın work-is. Bahsedilen müellif line nüshanın was achievable, araştırmacıla- nn job kolaylaştıracağını thinking about it.

Mutasavvıflar, copyright their works, thinking and the teachings of evidence teşkil ede-cek Kur' momently revelations and hadiths zikretmeye importance. Tasavvufla various bahislerin, twenty four fasıl-6 in. And 23. Fasıllann title is the same-handle bought and committed this eserde also, A large number of ayats and hadisin used being right-katimizi attracts. However, sufism kitaplannın a part, all of the texts of ayats and hadith instead of receiving, more very "kısımlarına on contact and sign poster-me" method filed are seen. Especially âyetler, about this eserde at the same method is witness olmaktayız. This case is unfortunately sometimes, without black-sibak connection and subject bütünlüğünün reviewed kaçınlmasına reason ol-tem. Therefore we, ayat meâllerini, as far as possible, thread integrity will tell kısımlarıyla together have tried to give.

Mutasavvıfların hadisler that we use as evidence of hadith ilminin kri-terlerine according to weak, hatta subject many rivayetin bulunduğu known hu-sustur. This book, also for the same is true. Hadith is incorporated as a part of texts in sources, companions, tâbifn or later as a âlimin sö-zü from generations pass. Part of Rivayetlerin Kutub-i Sittah, which is situated if a significant portion of "colloquially the proverbial and subject hadisler" post for works-lerde bulunduğu seen. So, hadith as text in, in the note in the nature of kaynaklann eye önündebulundurulmalıdır.

Muhakkiklerin in notes gösterdikleri sources, tercümede fully protected; Made from these sources is borrowed from, but required when seen outlined below. For instance, tahkikte original copies adopted writing nüshanın (introduced the first copies) kenarındaki Sheikh Mahmoud Master hand-Üsküdârî 'ye belong a significant number of notların dipnotlara received and in many places Kuşeyrî 's risalesi'nden nakilde made. We needed, our this borrowed from have tried not to. Only Risâ akuto's page numbers attribution to have seen enough. Instead, hadith as last rivayetlerin tahrici konusuna placing emphasis on, as a result of araştırmamız ulaştığımız new resources dipnotlara ilâve. Thoroughly research work state, nevertheless, book any a source cannot be identified some narrations remained. As we have noted above, in the note in supply shown each rivayetin, a authentic hadith is düşünülmemelidir. Narrations about, although, some short assessments yapmışsak also, in fact each rivayetin attributed and text in tenkidi thoroughly scrutinized investigation should be noted.

Muhakkikler, book the side of the head, Abdulkâdir Geylânî's last in the book with the biography of terms to the dictionary. Geylâninin biyografisinin was committed chapter has not been translated. Dictionary part, translated by-Turkish in the books built by the eligible-creation son tarafına have been.

The final say as; Difficult to understand some expressions, different comments and information, misunderstanding and explanations, hadith transplanted as unfounded some rivayetlerin place which this book çevirisinin, especially Sufism assess uzmanlarınca branch of knowledge, work's üslûp and content of tenkide tâbi being, useful results will be met that ümidimizi to express.

Zeal, from us; muvaffakiyet is, but supreme Allah'tandır.

Praise; kâdir-alîm, nâzır-halîm, cevâd-kerîm, lord-rahîm; zikr-i hakîm and Kur' â n-i azîmi, dî n-i sent with kavım and sırâ t-i müstakim Muhammed'e (a.s.m.) indiren Unto is peculiar. Send blessings and selâm, kendisiyle risaletin son found, people dalâletten guide the router, most of the books şereflisiyle Acem and Arab'a posted ümmi, Arab, emîn prophet honorable Muhammed'e (a.s.m.), hidayeti arayanları guide ulaştıran âline and selected auspicious contacts his companions. Infinite praise and greetings!

This praise and salâ t-ü selâmdan after we say that: Iiim, the honorable pâye, the supreme order, the most valuable commendation reason and most of the lucrative trade way. Because âlemlerin Rabbi'nin tevhidine and this person as disclosed in peygamberlerinin but ilimle can be reached. & Acirc;limler, allah'ın themselves as cornerstones of the religion of choice and virtue itself with meziyeti yönelttiği kullarının seçilmişleri has been. Here is Allah, onla-n has preferred to select. They, the prophets and halifelerinin heirs Of Muslims, rest and their problems çözen expert individuals.

Allah swt: "We, this ilâhı revelational, kullanmızdan seçtiklerimize bahşettik as heritage. Those bazısı kendilerine wrongs, bazısı (with the right of) check way shall choose, the bulk of courtesy of Allah'ın iyilikte çekenlerden per. Here is the original big virtue is what "buyurur (Fâtır, 35/32). The prophet (a.s.m.) also said: "and Acirc;limler, knowledge of the prophets vârisleridir. Ceromonies onlan of sever. Marine fishes, up to kıyâmet istiğfareder for them." Other a hadith also commanded as follows: "Allah, kıyâmet day use diriltir. Later scholars ayınp the as follows: O scholars community! İlmimden size vermemin reason, you bilmemden is nothing. Let her know you gave to doom. Go to heaven, go. You bağışladım." Each hâ l-ü profit, âlemlerin is Lord Of praise to God. O Allah, that haven, a gratification for âbidler tonality, ârifler içinse (to him) proximity have made it through.

Now konumuza enter. Allah, cemâlinin nurundan, first as Muhammad (a.s.m.)'s spirit created. As a matter of fact HE commands us as follows in the hadith qudsi of: "Vechimin nurundan first as Mohammadi yarattım." The prophet (a.s.m.) at: "Allah'ın yarattığı first thing, ruhumdur. His first something he created, nurumdur. Allah'ın first something he created, inant. His first something he created, mind "buyurmuştur.

With all of Bunların kastedilen thing is essentially the same. HE also, hakıkat-i Muhammediyye'dir. O, from celâli annmış due to be "nûr" as isimlenmiştir. "Now you There is a nur and a flagrant İlâhî kelâm reached" (Mâide, 5/15) as buyruğunda. Küllî provisions to comprehend due to her "and" "denmiştir. Iiim transplant for vehicles due to be at "pen" ismini. Pen, letters âleminde knowledge as vehicles; rû h-u Muhammadi de varlıklann extract, yaratılanların broke new ground and aslıdır. Indeed Rasûlüllah (a.s.m.) said: "I, Allah'tanım; Believers also, bendendir."

Allah, lâhût âlemindeki spirited them all in the nicest possible way it has created. O, this âlemdeki haceletü'l-ünsün name. O homeland-i aslîdir. Four thousand years passed, Allah, Muhammad (a.s.m.)'S eye nurundan, arşı and other main varlıklan created. After the souls, varlıklann top down level so cesetlere indirilmiştir. "After her aşağıların top aşağısına indiririz" (Tîn, 95/5) buyruğunda as reported. Allah, before onlan lâhût âleminden ceberût âlemine download, kendilerine ceberût nûruyla haramain (lâhût and ceberût âlemleri?) A vestment giydirmiştir (this, rû h-u sultânıdır). Onlan after this vestment with melekût âlemine download, themselves melekût nûru örtmüştür with (this, rû h-u ravânidir). After onlan âlemine download, themselves mülk nûru örtmüştür with (this, soul-u cismânidir). Allah then also the bodies created. As a matter of fact HE, buyurur as follows: "from You (soil) have created, to drive him again and again after it forlornly will raise." (Tâhâ, 20/55)

After that, Allah swt, spirits cesetlere enter emretmiş, they also emirden due to cesetlere engaged. "Him a certain format whether at ruhumdan breathed when, for her immediately secdeye trap" (Hicr, 15/29) buyruğunda as has been stated. Souls, cesetlere crimped kalınca, elestü bi rabbiküm (A'r âf, 7/172) day Allah'ın ahdinden aldıklan mîsâkı unuttular and essentiol vatana haven't come. Thereupon Rahmân, them acıyıp themselves, he essentiol vatanı semâvî as a put the book down. Indeed supreme Allah, he commands us: "Them Allah'ın remind me of their days." (lbrâhîm, 14/5) So, last with souls before vuslat their days.

All prophets, this uyanda came into the world to make and âhirete they left. But people few, essentiol vatanını remembers, returning to it minstrel and stenciling essentiol âleme reaches.

Tâ that nübüvvet, the last one of the prophets supreme rû h-u Muhammedi'ye until. Allah, it, thats the unwary people, basîret eyes gaflet slumber trench and Unto, vuslatına and cemâline kavuşmaya remitted to invite. Indeed Allah commands us to as follows: "say: Here Is my way! Basîret (the, awareness and sensitivity grasp of armed dayanarak) çağınyorum. Me, and those that meet (same çağnyı making)." (Yûsuf, 12/108) Rûhun eye basîret, fuâd (complacency) hurrying evliya opens for. But zâhir ilmiyle can not be achieved, bilâkis ledünnî bâtın ilmiyle recoverable. "There, it make a donation of superior bulunarak (special) A knowledge when donattığımız kullarımızdan birine rastladılar" (Al-Kahf, 18/65) âyetinde as stated. THAT being the case man's task, lâhût âleminden foreboding to inculcate a mürşitten velî by, this romper is (basireti) to try to gain from those of prudence.

THAT being the case, O brothers! With Kendinize bride and repentance Rabbinizin bağışlamasına kosun. Hit the road, this rûhânî kâfıleler together with Sustainer. Soon road ends and he âleme gidecek friend can't be found. Those of us who, this âdî-ruined the world to purify and filthy nefsânî işlerden may have not come. It puts you in anticipation of anxious for is Peygamberiniz (a.s.m.) said: "Sorrow and endişem, kıyâmete recently will live ümmetim."

Us downloaded knowledge comes in two flavors; zâhir and bâtın. So the shariah and ingenuity. Orders with shariah zâhirimize, orders with ingenuity at bâtınımıza. So taking together of truth scientific is born. "O, kavuşup kanşabilmeleri for two large water mass free has left. (But) between them have an obstacle aşamayacaktan " (Rahmân, 55/19-20) as expressed in âyetinde. Yoksa mücerret zâhir with truth cannot be achieved and gayeye unattainable. Kâmil ibâdet, two is at, with someone who is not. "I, daemons and people only (me tanımaları and) bana yarattım to serve" (Zâriyât, 51/56) âyetinde as stated. Here is me "to serve için'in meaning," me tanımaları için'dir. Without it/don't speak someone, to him how will serve?

Ingenuity, however, as a result of clearance nefis curtain, heart of the out of the chuck hâsıl. Here at that time, the mirror, your heart is sırrında hidden hâzinenin cemâlini sees. The following kudsî as expressed in the hadith: "I, unknown a hidden treasure I was. Bilinmek wanted. So mahlûkâtı yarattım." Allah, people, itself recognize/created to know açıklamıştır. THAT being the case, man Rabbini recognize (gimmick) duty.

Marifet comes in two flavors: Allah'ın sıfatlarının ingenuity and Allah'ın zâtının feat. Sıfatların ingenuity, world and âhirette object hazzı. Zâtın merit if, rû h-u kudsînin âhiretteki hazzıdır. "It reinforced with the holy spirit" (Baccarat, 2/87) âyetinde as reported. They rû hu'l-kuds kuvvetlendirilmişlerdir with. This two gimmick, but two knowledge that can be achieved with zâhir and bâtın ilimleri. Indeed Rasûlüllah (a.s.m.) said: "The Actual knowledge, two received wisdom: One, multilingual knowledge of that, o Allah'ın hüccetidir on people. The other one, the beating heart of knowledge that is primarily useful knowledge what is."

Man's, the soul kendisiyle body to gain that gain derecelerdir-charged, firstly shariah ilmine needs. HE, then, the soul marifet ilmindeki marifetinin kazancım to achieve, bâtın ilmine needs. They are, however, the shariah and do not meet the tarikata uygulamalann to be abandoned and nefsânî-rûhâni meşakkatlerin no riya-showing off without sheer for Allah welcome to be met with recoverable. Indeed Allah swt said: "So, now whosoever Rabbine kavuşmayı desire's, sâlih deeds (honest and virtuous behaviour) işlesin and Rabbine specific kullukta ever anyone-no thing (Him) common koşmasın" (Al-Kahf, 18/110)

Marifet âlemi, lâhût âlemidir. This âlem, itself rû h-u created in your kudsinin mezkur homeland-i aslîdir. Rû h-u kudsîden purpose of heart, özüne deposited the human-i hakîkîdir. His presence, repent-telkîn and ld ilaha illallah cümlesine before blade, then with heart life full of connecting zâhir. Heart after life also peace of mind, lisanına regains. Mutasavvıflar üflü'I-meânîderler in. Because he, qudsi maneviyattandır. Her tıfl (child) denmesi thats if nüktelerden dolayıdır:

1. Its from the heart to neşet, boy's mother to arise. So that the heart of as raised by her mother's child. So slowly by growing finally buluğ çağına reaches.

2. Children knowledge to be taught how to a general durumsa, this child marifet ilminin to be taught the same general.

3. Children's sins kirlerinden clean as the shirk, deluded and cismaniyet kirinden cleaner.

4. Ruhtaki general case, child of this pure sûrette görünmesidir. Therefore, in dreams, angels, young boy children sûretinde visible.

5. Allah swt, the following two âyette paradise oğlanlannı tıfliyyet vasıflandırmıştır with: "Ebedî (fresh) liğe mazhar evlatlar" vildân ", (for service) around them dolanırlar" 9 (Vâ kı'a, 56/17);"… Pin-a also on images rotary kendilerine off maids "ğılmân", as if to sedeflerinde pearls "10 (Type 52/24)

6. This name, letâfet and nezâfeti falls in line with him at.

7. Her tıfl because, body taalluk itibarından and beser sûretini temsilinden due to metaphor yoluyladır. So tıfl name take, not due to his small görülmeşinden, beauty and hoşluğundan and first version without taking into account ötürüdür. Here it is. Human-i hakikîdir Zira has ünsiyeti with Allah swt. Hâlbuki of body and cismânî, Hz. The prophet (a.s.m) due to renege on the, there is a holiness: "My God has a time it is am together with that, it's also, what a mukkarreb to angel, nor mürsel has involved a prophetic." This narration, "mürsel prophet" with Hz. The beşerî, "mukarreb angel" also with ceberût nûrundan had been created rûhânî side kastedilmiştir. Ceberût nûrundan is angel genius lâhût nûruna can not enter. Rasûlüllah (a.s.m.) said: "Allah'ın are a haven for it is that, what there is free (clean spouses), what kusûr (palaces), what cinân (gardens), what honey, milk are. Bilâkis ratio blessing, only Allah teâlânın vechine is to look at. As a matter of fact HE said: "Some faces, that day must shine, Rablerine when looking at" (Kıyemet, 75/22-23) Rasûlüllah (a.s.m.) also said: "Rabbinizi, ditto, the full moon is hilâli overnight as you can see." Angel and cismânî ones you this âleme even though hemen smile. As expressed in the following hadith-i kudsîde: "Celâlimin, vechimin sübühâtı had opened the, basanmın uzandığı all everything yanardı." Cebrâıl (a.s.m.) also has said: "You a finger tip up yaklaşacak, please light up be ash."

This book, word-i tevhidin letters and the day (day and night) in accordance with the number of working hours, twenty four fasıl.






























Condition : New

Age : Adult

Brand Name : iqrah

Language : Turkish

Origin : TR(Origin)

IQRAH 99 Soruda Islamic Belief
USD 18.78USD 21.10