
Low Price ! 490g 81*81*73mm AAA Large Natural Rock Clear Quartz Crystal Pyramid Energy Crystal Pyramid Healing

Category : Home & Garden | Home Decor
USD 72.00

Low Price ! 490g 81*81*73mm AAA Large Natural Rock Clear Quartz Crystal Pyramid Energy Crystal Pyramid Healing




Fantastic ! 490g 81*81*73mm  Large Natural Rock Clear Quartz Crystal Pyramid Garden Quartz Healing 


Material : Natural  Clear Quartz 

Size :  81*81*73mm ( Approximate )

Weight :490


Stone Healing use : Most Powerful healing stone , energy amplifier , improves concentration and increase memory power , body 

cleanser . Medical use : Stimulates immune system , aligns and harmonzises all body chakras . 

The quartz crystal symbolizes enery , and it helps peole focus on a task . When used as a meditative device , quartz is believed to help energize and focus prayers or thoughts . 

The Clear Quartz Crystal represents clarity of mind and spirit . It allegedly helps a user see a sititation more clearly and objectively , and it may help to recall details . 





Clear Quartz is often called the "Stone of Power" and can help to amplify any energy or intention. Clear Quartz is also

known as the "Master Healer" with its very high vibration and is the most versatile healing stone among the crystals.

Clear Quartz is said to protect against negativity, attune to your higher self, and relieve pain.  

Pyramids have an ability to amplify and focus the energy of one's intention. The Sacred Geometry inherent within

any pyramid's design is what gives it the power within. The most powerful area in a pyramid is in the center, near

the apex, so it can be helpful to focus your intention into this spot. When working with these powerful items, be

sure you have stated a purpose for the highest good, and are clear about your desires.  

By combining the Sacred Geometry of a Pyramid with the Sacred Geometry of a Quartz Crystal, you get a powerful

piece that carries some high energies. The properties of focus and amplification are multiplied in these beautiful

Clear Quartz Crystal Pyramids, making them great for manifestation programs. The more spiritual qualities of

Pyramids and of Quartz combine to make these Pyramids excellent meditation aids as well.









Weight : 490g

Material : CRYSTAL

Base Size : 81*81*73mm

Material : Clear Quartz


Brand Name : FeiLaEr

Usage : Reiki Healing / Gift / Decoration

Name : Crystal Pyramid

Regional Feature : europe

Model : CP135

Style : feng shui
