
VEVOR 10x10 Inch 2 in 1 3 in 1 4 in 1 Multifunctional Portable Heat Press Printer Easy Mini Machine for Mugs, T-Shirts and Hats

USD 127.99USD 213.32

VEVOR 10x10 Inch 2 in 1 3 in 1 4 in 1 Multifunctional Portable Heat Press Printer Easy Mini Machine for Mugs, T-Shirts and Hats


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Product Description
heat press, portable heat press, Mugs

Features & Details

  • 【EXCELLENT QUALITY】- Thermostable plastic improves the high-temperature resistance of the heat press, which makes the shirt press more stable and durable. The combined operation of dual motors brings higher pressure and a good transfer effect.
  • 【FREEING YOUR HANDS】- Compared with other similar heat press machines, our easy press has a unique vibration function allowing you free your hands. You don’t need to press it all the time, after setting the time and temperature.
  • 【DOUBLE-TUBE HEATING】- Unlike the conventional single-tube heating, our mini press adopts the latest double-tube heating technology. And the temperature difference is only about 5℃ between the center and the edge. But the old-fashioned heating tube is more than 10℃.
  • 【TRANSFER & IRONING FUNCTION】 - The heat press machine for t shirts can be used for both heat press machines and ironing machine. The dual-use press is more economical for home use. No need to buy a separate ironing machine anymore.
  • 【SENSITIVE TOUCH SCREEN】- Highly sensitive touch digital display, integrated design is convenient and straightforward to operate. Three pressure adjustments available high, medium & low to meet your daily needs for the tshirt press machine.

Key Features

  • Durable Material

    The easy press mini machine adopts the thermostable plastic and aluminum plate, ensuring heat press 12x10 excellent stability. 23 cm x 30 cm/12 x 10 inches large heating plate allows you to do various transfer jobs.

  • Touch Display Screen

    Equipped with the super-sensitive touch screen and integrated number buttons, it ensures an easier and smoother operation.

  • Vibration Function

    Exclusively developed vibration function can greatly liberate your hands, during the work of the t shirt heat press machine, you do not need to keep pressing by hand.

  • Double-tube Heating

    Double-tube heating design ensures the heating more uniform and the better transfer quality. Compared with the single tube heating, the temperature difference is only about 5℃ between the center and the edge.

  • User-friendly Design

    The design of the handle is ergonomic for a more comfortable grip. It can be easily operated with only one hand, saving effort significantly.

  • Wide Application

    This T-shirt heat press printer contains one platen press, one mug press, one cap press, one plate press allowing patterns transfer onto T-shirts, caps, mugs and other flat surfaced items.

heat press, portable heat press, Mugs
12 x 10 4 IN 1 Portable Heat Press  The portable press heat machine is ideal for home use. Advanced sensitive touch screen and particular vibration function significantly improve the quality of the transfer. You can use dozens of materials with your easy press mini, including heat press vinyl, glitter, Transfer Paper, Flock, and so on.
  • Excellent Quality
  • Freeing Your Hands
  • Double-Tube Heating
  • Transfer & Ironing Function
  • Rated Voltage: 110V(US)/220V(AU/EU)
  • Rated Power: 800W
  • Mug Press Capacity: 11 OZ
  • The diameter of Mug: 8.5 cm/3.35 inch
  • The height of Mug: 9.2 cm/3.62 inch
  • Heating Size of the Mug:  9.2 x 20 cm/3.62 x 7.87 inch
  • Cap Press Size:8 14 cm
  • Plate Press Size:8"/10"
  • Heating plate size: 12 x 10 inch
  • Working Table Size: 23 x 30 cm
  • Rated Frequency: 60Hz
  • Time range: 0-999S
  • Temperature range: 0-200℃
  • Gross Weight:9.2 kg(20.28lb)
  • Package Size: 54 x 39 x46 cm/21.25 x 15.35 x 18.11 inch
Package Content
  • 1 x Mini Heat Press
  • 1 x Mug Press
  • 1 x Plate Press
  • 1 x Cap Press
  • 1 x Silicone Pad
  • 1 x Compound Pad
  • 1 x Power Cable
  • 1 x Carrying Case
  • 1 x Instruction Manual
  • 1 x Complete Tool Accessory
heat press, portable heat press, Mugs
12 x 10 3 IN 1 Portable Heat Press  The portable press heat machine is ideal for home use. Advanced sensitive touch screen and particular vibration function significantly improve the quality of the transfer. You can use dozens of materials with your easy press mini, including heat press vinyl, glitter, Transfer Paper, Flock, and so on.
  • Excellent Quality
  • Freeing Your Hands
  • Double-Tube Heating
  • Transfer & Ironing Function
  • Rated Voltage: 110V(US)/220V(AU/EU0
  • Rated Power: 800W
  • Mug Press Capacity: 11 OZ
  • The diameter of Mug: 8.5 cm/3.35 inch
  • The height of Mug: 9.2 cm/3.62 inch
  • Heating Size of the Mug:  9.2 x 20 cm/3.62 x 7.87 inch
  • Cap Press Size:8 14 cm
  • Heating plate size: 12 x 10 inch
  • Working Table Size: 23 x 30 cm
  • Rated Frequency: 60Hz
  • Time range: 0-999S
  • Temperature range: 0-200℃
  • Gross Weight:7.5 kg(16.53lb)
  • Package Size: 54 x 39 x46 cm/21.25 x 15.35 x 18.11 inch
Package Content
  • 1 x Mini Heat Press
  • 1 x Mug Press
  • 1 x Cap Press
  • 1 x Silicone Pad
  • 1 x Compound Pad
  • 1 x Power Cable
  • 1 x Instruction Manual
heat press, portable heat press, Mugs
12 x 10 2 IN 1 Portable Heat Press The portable press heat machine is ideal for home use. Advanced sensitive touch screen and particular vibration function significantly improve the quality of the transfer. You can use dozens of materials with your easy press mini, including heat press vinyl, glitter, transfer paper, flock, and so on.
  • Freeing Your Hands
  • Sensitive Touch Screen
  • Double-Tube Heating
  • Transfer & Ironing Function
  • Rated Voltage: 110V(US)/220V(AU/EU)
  • Rated Power: 1000W
  • Mug Press Size: 11OZ
  • Heating plate size: 12 x 10 inch
  • Working Table Size: 23 x 30 cm
  • Rated Frequency: 60Hz
  • Time range: 0-999 S
  • Temperature range: 0-200 ℃
  • Gross Weight: 7 kg(15.43 lb)/7.5 kg (16.53 lb)
  • Package Size: 54 x 39 x 46 cm / 21.25 x 15.35 x 18.11 inch
Package Content
  • 1 x Mini Heat Press
  • 1 x Mug Press or 1 x Cap Press
  • 1 x Silicone Pad
  • 1 x Compound Pad
  • 1 x Power Cable
  • 1 x Instruction Manual

The Height of Mug : 9.2 cm/3.62 inch

Cap Press Size : 8 x 14 cm

Heating Size of the Mug : 9.2 x 20 cm/3.62 x 7.87 inch

The Diameter of Mug : 8.5 cm/3.35 inch

Origin : CN(Origin)

Brand Name : VEVOR

Heating Plate Size : 10 x 10 inch

Mug Press Capacity : 11 OZ

Certification : CE

Rated Power : 800W

Working Table Size : 23 x 23 cm

Type : Multifunctional

Rated Frequency : 60Hz

Rated Voltage : 110V(US), 220V(AU/EU)
